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How to share a campaign in Map Rank Tracker

How to share a campaign in Map Rank Tracker

The sharing functionality in the Map Rank Tracker tool enhances collaboration and streamlines workflows for account owners, team subscription users, and local SEO service providers. This feature allows users to share their campaigns with read or edit access. By enabling shared access to campaigns, teams can work together more effectively, agency clients can be kept in the loop, and insights can be discussed in real time, ensuring that all stakeholders are aligned and informed.

How it works 

  • Both account owners and users can share campaigns and adjust or remove access for specific users.
  • Campaigns can be shared with read or edit access
  • Account owners by default have edit access to all sub-user campaigns and can manage or delete them. 
  • Users with read-only access can view reports and generate PDFs, while those with edit access can adjust campaign settings and run scans using the campaign owner’s credits.

How to share a campaign

To share multiple campaigns, open the Map Rank Tracker campaigns list. Here, you’ll find your list of campaigns, along with basic information about each one.

To share one or more of these campaigns, click the “Share” button in the top right corner or the button next to each campaign to share access to that particular one.

How to share a campaign in Map Rank Tracker image 1

This will open the Share MRT campaigns window.

Next, use the drop-down to select the campaigns you want to share.

How to share a campaign in Map Rank Tracker image 2

Then, enter the email addresses of each individual you want to share your selected campaigns with and use the drop-down to the right to assign their access type.

If you want to share different campaigns with different people or assign different roles to different people, you will need to repeat this step to share each campaign or group of campaigns separately.

Once you’re ready, click the “share” button to complete the sharing process.

How to share a campaign in Map Rank Tracker image 3

A user you share access with will receive an email notification with the list of shared campaigns.

What are the benefits?

  • Sharing campaigns within the team ensures consistent efforts and smooth collaboration.
  • Account owners maintain control of all campaigns, ensuring efficient centralized management and a seamless workflow.
  • Users cannot remove access from account owners, maintaining necessary oversight.
  • Agencies can share heatmap reports to showcase the progress of local SEO efforts in real time.
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